A Neutral Palette

Gifted Spotted Moth polka dot cardigan, vintage collared blouse, polka dot t-shirt, Forever 21 watch necklace, ASOS belt, Supre skirt, tights from Myer and vintage boots and bag. 
I'm going to warn you that this may go on for a while, because i've got lots to say! Firstly, took these photos on wednesday right after an early morning wake up call to go shopping with my sister. She wanted to check out some dresses before a formal she was going to the next day (yesterday) and decided it was most definitely necessary to go as soon as the centre opened at 9am in the morning. Hence the eye bags.
Perhaps i'll tell you about my outfit choice now that i've explained my sullen look. Okay so i couldn't work out whether i should dress for the weather outside (perhaps 14 degrees), the temperature on the bus (anywhere between 12 to 25, depending on how the bus driver is feeling) or the temperature of the shopping centre (who knows). So i pulled together this hugely layered outfit. Spots on spots, thanks to Spotted Moth. A watch necklace so i could keep track of the time - but alas, i didn't realise the batteries were dead. And to finish it off, some brown on grey on black. Yes i mix the colours you 'aren't supposed to mix'.
I look so bald!
Okay fast track 24 hours. By the way, if you've pressed play above and are listening to this hugely melodious song above, it's New Heights - Peaches. I love it. Anyway fast track 24 hours, my sister summons me like cinderella summons her fairy godmother (or does she?) and i spend two hours in a 30 degree house doing her hair and make up. It was insisted by my mother that the heater be turned up so my sister doesn't catch the cold. That's why i look so flustered below! Anyway, i'm no make up artist (at all) but, here's her finished look, featuring a romantic woodland inspired headband, which i plan on re-creating for handmade hair accessories store on Etsy, KANI.
sisters formal
Oh and i guess i sort of just spoiled it with the photo above but.. yesterday i got a haircut! After most of you suggested i go for a blunt fringe cut, i decided to go for it! I personally think it looks a bit strange when my hair is all straight, but nicer when it is curly like below.. what do you think? I wish my hair was curly so i don't have to curl it everytime i want that look though!
Also, i edited and added a few of your questions on ABOUT KANI page (i must procrastinate heaps during crucial exam study times - oh feel free to ask me more questions in the comments section below).
And lastly, i tweaked my blog layout a bit :) Will be tweaking it a bit more over the coming week so don't be startled if you come and have a visit and suddenly things start disappearing and moved around like someone's just 'wingardium leviosa-ed' my sidebar!
kani suelyn ting

By the way! (Last edit i swear), check out this cute picture SueLyn drew of me! Thankyou thankyou thankyou! <3Have a great weekend all! <3PS. Does my sister look at me? I can never see it. Her skin is much more tanned than mine and we have different face shapes but our friends say we look the same!?