the other side of the world


Wearing: ASOS raincoat & bag, YesStyle jumper, Topshop pants & boots {outfit photos by Dan Loke}

I'm back! It's not really like me to not update my blog for a week even if I am away but my trip to London was one of the busiest trips I've ever been on. I was up and running with only six hours sleep every day, scurrying around the city with a friend who also happened to be halfway across the world with me - trying to visit every single old monument, shopping strip and tourist attraction in just three days, followed by five intense days at ASOS HQ creating content for the ASOS Future Stylist finals next week! Every day went by so quickly and I took so many photos and videos that I filled up two 8gb memory cards. This set of photos are of Buckingham Palace where we watched the changing of the guards ceremony, Oxford St - where all the crazy high street shopping happens (think Bourke St but all the shops are Myer size) and the famous London Eye observation wheel. I hardly brought any clothes with me to the UK which proved to be a struggle when trying to choose cohesive outfits but thankfully this pair of pants that I bought on the first day in the UK really saved the day. Especially considering that the only pair of 'bottoms' I brought with me was my Gorman basketweave skirt which although I love a lot, just didn't want to work with anything else I had with me. There are so many more photos to come and I really can't wait to show you what is in store for round 5 finals of ASOS Future Stylist. Expect many posts soon!

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.



of trains and other things