this is rome


Trevi Fountain

Confetti-ed cobblestones (wearing Topshop buckle boots, Primark dress, United Colours of Benetton Coat)

Walking down the Spanish steps at sunset

Watching the warm sunset seep through Via Condotti

The Pantheon at night

Enjoying the view at the ever so grand Piazza Venezia

The morning view from our apartment

The beautiful streets of Rome

Before the ever so long climb of St Peter's Basilica dome

The Swiss guards at Vatican City

The Colosseum

Roaming (or should I say, 'Roming') the streets of Rome 

The view from inside the Colosseum (Wearing Sessun red wool coat, Topshop green knit jumper, Primark dress & Topshop buckle boots)

My boyfriend and I on our last day in Rome :'-)

Looking back, I think Rome was one of the cities I liked more than others. It may have been because I had no expectations and so my expectations were exceeded as by contrast in Paris, I had high expectations and it just didn't quite make it (although it was still quite wonderful!). Or it just could have been because it was finally warm and the sunshine made everything seem better. Rome is so scenic and I didn't expect that for some strange reason. We stayed just a street away from the Roman Forum and Colosseum and everywhere was quite walkable. We were only there for two days and being scammed almost three times and being on constant alert for pickpockets didn't even come close to ruining my time there. In Rome, every corner you turn reveals a beautifully aged building or attraction. The city centre seems as if there are two parallel universes co-existing side by side - the 'modern' Rome with all its activity and the 'ancient' Rome with ruins scattered in the most random places. You'd be walking past a string of busy shops and cafes and all of a sudden there is a 2000sqm block of ruins. It's so interesting to see these things next to each other and you'd imagine just how much history this eternal city has. Another thing about Rome that I found interesting (or just plain scary) was the fact that pedestrians rule the roads. Most zebra crossings don't have pedestrian lights and so if you want to cross the busy roads of Rome, you just have to go for it. This is actually the same for the rest of Italy however there were no cars in Venice & roads in Florence didn't daunt me so much as they were only one or two lanes wide. In Rome, the roads were huge and crossing the road was an often an experience of relief when you could walk in the shadows of a brave local OR frightening like a deer caught in the headlights as the cars often don't brake until the very last second. My favourite places in Rome was Trevi Fountain - there was something about the place that was just magical - sunset at the Spanish Steps and seeing the Pantheon lit up in the evening. Two days certainly was not enough time there and I really can't wait until the next time I am back.

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

drop waists


vatican city