in check


Wearing: Elm chief knit poncho, vintage shirt, Cameo the Label limited edition print tee, Samantha Wills necklace, ASOS belt, ASOS tweed shorts, RMK red heels, ASOS clutch & Corky earrings. 

{Photos: Tom}

Yep. I broke up with my bangs. I've had straight bangs for almost two years now and felt like a change. I felt like I missed my eyebrows just a little. Every time I was due for a haircut I'd think about growing it out instead but I never had the guts (or just patience) to do it. However I After FW, I decided it was time to just give it a go. No one will see me going through that awkward phase of attempting to grow my hair from 5cm long to 50cm long since I'm back to my studious student self.. except for everyone who reads this blog. So uh, please ignore and maybe six months down the track I can start doing more exciting things to these strands of hair instead of attacking it with a handful of bobbies. To be honest I have no idea what exciting things I can do with my hair once I don't have any bangs at all because the last time my hair was all the same length .. I was about 13. So good luck to me, may the future hold many new and unexpected hairstyles. Suggestions are always welcome to make the process less boring/painful :-)

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.



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