

Wearing: K is for Kani handmade floral headpiece, vintage silk green top, Shakuhachi shorts, Wittner sandals & dolphin bracelet bought on my travels in Shanghai. Nails: Rimmel 'Skyhigh'. {Photos: Rowena}

I'm never one to do last minute cramming the day before my exam. It just doesn't work for me because it's so overwhelming and I'd rather just not know what I don't know, so I'm able to walk in there feeling confident with what I do know (and hope what I don't know never appears on the paper!). So here I am, on the day before my full day of exams (the universe/ity is ever so kind to me to reward me with two exams in one day) doing anything but studying. I'd imagine the first photo to this post is exactly how I feel at 5PM tomorrow after I finish my last exam for the semester. One of the best things about being a uni student is the freedom of flexibility during the week and having those three month long end of year breaks. I just can't wait to run into that exam hall tomorrow and get it all over and done with, just so I can get on with doing more exciting things. 26 hours, let's go!

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.


