freshly listed


k is for kani floral headpieces wedding bridal hair flower wreath 1k is for kani floral headpieces bridal flower hair wreaths wedding 2k is for kani floral headpieces wedding bridal hair flower wreath 3k is for kani floral headpieces bridal flower hair wreaths wedding 4k is for kani floral headpieces bridal flower hair wreaths wedding 5k is for kani floral headpieces wedding bridal hair flower wreath 6k is for kani floral headpieces bridal flower hair wreaths wedding 7k is for kani floral headpieces wedding bridal hair flower wreath 8k is for kani floral headpieces bridal flower hair wreaths wedding 9k is for kani floral headpieces bridal flower hair wreaths wedding 10

New floral headpieces on***I'm always excited about listing new floral headpieces so I thought I'd just let you know that a few days ago, a handful of new designs quietly made their way into the store! Because I had so many ideas, most of these (if not all of these? *edit - except one of these!) new styles are one-off designs. There's a whole range of different colours in this drop, to cover every wedding / party / event theme you can think of! Hope you enjoy browsing these as much as I enjoyed making and creating them!

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.


