at westminster


 Wearing: Sessun Julie and Candy parka coatASOS lime green rib boyfriend beanie, vintage white blouse, vintage sweater guard, ASOS Petite textured stitch jumper, Shashi Dillon ring/handmade rings, Gorman leggings and Gorman boots

When I was packing my suitcase for Europe, I was frantically looking around for all the knits and thermals I had. However, it turned out that the weather wasn't all that cold in London and I was actually getting away with wearing only a shirt and knit underneath my coat every day. A London 10 C is not bad and I think it's because all the buildings in the city block the cold wind, coupled with the fact that the British just happen to LOVE their heating. Every single indoor space you enter is met with an almost offending 30 degree climate. Not great if you're wearing heaps of layers as you soon find yourself stripping them all off! These outfit photos were taken on Westminster bridge and its surrounds. I'm wearing my one and only coat (so far!) I packed for Europe, some Gorman leggings I picked up at the post-Christmas sales in Melbourne and boots that were a Christmas present from Tom :'-). If you're visiting London, this is an area you don't want to miss as there are lots of tourist attractions nearby including the London Eye Ferris Wheel, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and of course, Westminster Abbey - where William and Kate got married!

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

the dome of st paul's


hello from london