florentine memories


Basilica di Santa Croce {Wearing Sessun Coat, Primark scarf, Park Lane boots}

Street side black and white photo booths

Beautiful restaurants with pot plants mounted on its walls {Wearing Topshop cropped knit, Primark dress, Park Lane boots}

Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore aka Duomo

Florentine leather at San Lorenzo market

Pretty streets, alleys and buskers

Endless amounts of visually pleasing and positively delicious gelato

Ponte Vecchio from afar and close

Piazzale Michelangelo

Piazzale Degli Uffizi {Wearing Sessun Coat, Emma Cook x Topshop jumper, Zara jeans, Topshop boots}

The view of Florence from Palazzo Vecchio

{Photos by Tom & I}

Tried my best to cull this down however Florence is just so beautiful I just couldn't do it. From its endless rays of sunshine to its magnificent riverside views, Florence just kept giving. The mountains of delectable gelato - hazlenut, lemon, strawberry, coconut, banana.. endless flavours for endless orders of triple scoop waffle cones. Seeing the Statue of David at literally every single tourist location and then seeing the real thing at the Galleria dell'Accademia. Its historic buildings and quirky touches. Not to mention the Floretine roofscape! Those terra cotta tiles that seem to cover every single building in Florence. I just couldn't get over how pretty Florence was not just from ground level, but also from above. One of the highlights from my trip was climbing the hundreds of steps up to Piazzale Michelangelo (where once again, we saw another David). The view of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo was unsurpassed. There was a busker singing acoustic love songs in front of the beautiful panoramic backdrop of Florence and there was literally so much romance in the air that I almost expected to see someone be proposed to! The entire vibe of the city was one that was laid back and local. It was such an enchanting place to stay and a stop not to be missed. It was really Italy at its best.

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


lmff x frankie runway highlights


ciao, firenze