

Wearing: Elm Knitwear yellow jumper, Zara shirt, ASOS pephem skirt, Bohemia bag, ASOS heels and Karen Walker bunny ring {via Beginning Boutique} {Photos: Tom}

Time really flies when you're busy! I really didn't think it had been this many days since I last blogged and when I checked when my last blog post was today, I was quite shocked at how long it had been. A heap of events have happened between before and now. Mostly, I have been studying for my end of semester exams coming up. Sometimes it's very difficult to juggle my blog, store and study - all of which feel like full time jobs for me. However with exams looming, I've had to re-order my priorities (just temporarily!)And to make one of the most hectic weeks at uni even more crazy, I've actually been helping our family search for a new house - we've been going to multiple inspections every week and just two days ago, we bought a new house! I've been living in the same house since I was very young so I'm excited for this new change - though it also means I'll be having to start packing my life into cardboard boxes as soon as I finish my exams. I've been in a very floaty happy mood since then until yesterday, a very sweet citizen of the world drove into the back of my car, had the nerve to beep me for driving apparently too slow (I was stunned at what had just happened), overtook me then zoomed right off.. urgh.Now just before I run off again to go to an evening pilates class in an attempt to stop thinking about my now non-perfect exterior of my car and then block in some late night study, I thought I'd quickly press publish on a post featuring one of my favourite shades of the season - yellow. It seems as if I'm being very successful in acquiring pieces in this colour however I am yet to come across that much elusive buttery coat!

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


parisian memories

