

 Wearing: Natasha Gan dress, Doury necklace, Daisy butterfly bracelet, Lucy Folk woven bracelet, ASOS envelope clutch, vintage butterfly ring and Gorman heels 

When it comes to fashion, I've always been interested in different textures and fabrics. My first encounter with tapestry was when I stumbled upon a vintage purse bag in a material which I had described to my sister as 'carpet like'. We were at Camberwell Market and I found the bag exciting and different - my sister on the other hand thought it gave severe grandma vibes. Regardless, I bought it. It was only ten dollars so the risk of grandma vibes outweighed the possibility of a pretty, functional and unique bag. Time went by and I started collecting more and more tapestry pieces - a vintage overnight bag I stumbled across in an op shop, a vintage tapestry backpack which I wore religiously to uni at one point in time, a vintage jewellery box with a tapestry cushion embedded in its wooden lid.. yes I owned a lot of odds and ends made out of this very fabric. I eventually got over this whole tapestry craze - I think I had too much of it at the same time. These days I barely ever touch any of the above mentioned bags - though one of my latest arrivals to my wardrobe (this dress) certainly rekindles old memories of when I was so fascinated with this 'carpet like' woven fabric.

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 



