the future is now


 Wearing: Three Floor 'Wild' top, Zara skort, Deadly Ponies 'Mr Pirouette' bag in tangerine, Miista 'Shona' sandals in rose gold, Dara Ettinger Lorie gold-plated druzy ring (The & Marc Jacobs gold bangle, Vanessa Mooney bracelet. Nails: Dior Vernis 'Diablotine'. (Photos: Rowena)One of the most common questions I get asked is:

"Where do you study?"
"Oh, I'm studying Commerce/Law"
Like as if I can't distinguish my whats from my wheres.

I've always been cautious with the disclosure of personal information on the Internet - which is hard because I blog, a lot of which is about my life. But I've come to the acceptance that we live in an information rich (stalker friendly) world. I'm sure that if I didn't say so, you could probably easily find out anyway. And apparently, about 63,000 and more students go to the same university as me - I guess it's no big deal.So I study at Monash University. Not that it was that big of a secret anyway given how many of you comment on recognising all the Instagrams I take on campus! You guys are so skilled, you even know which library table I am sitting at. A big hello to those who've said hi to me on campus for the past three and a half years I've been at uni. It's always a pleasure and surprise to be bumping into readers whilst running to classes, practising group presentations in abandoned rooms in the Menzies building or attempting to roll out of carpool carparks which are literally, well, a car pool when it rains.Anyway I've been feeling very ambitious this week and decided to surrender myself to the above university and hand in not one, but two subject applications to study over Summer. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that get through this hair-pulling exam period starting in a couple of weeks alive and that I do not end up regretting my decision to sacrifice sunny weather in return for intense back-to-back classes. The only consolation I will have come then will be this bright and vibrant top from the wonderful people (who I personally believe have gathered a cult following) at Three Floor.P.S. These Shona beauties are on sale (in size 7 & 8AU) in holographic for less than half price here! It's taking myself a lot of self control not to own another pair..

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

of kors


we are flower children