we are flower children


 New floral headpieces now available on www.kisforkani.etsy.com

Instead of being the good student I am and spending the mid-semester break catching up on my never-ending studies, I spent the majority of the break playing with flowers in my studio. After moving, I had not had much time at all to translate my ideas into actual designs for so long - I felt extremely deprived of my studio so as soon as uni came to a halt for just one week, I became a mad flower child. For the past week, I've spent hours upon hours every day working in my studio letting my creativity blossom (how punny) into all sorts of headpieces. I honestly don't think I've created more pieces in such a short amount of time! And I honestly don't think I have been more excited to wake up in the morning - sometimes as early as 6AM and I'm not even a morning person - just so I can pack the evening's orders quickly and get started with more creating. I guess it goes to show how important it is to do what you love, something I know I'm very thankful for - Or just how much I love mother nature's flora..Lots of vibrant and bright floral headpieces now online, as well as a cool new instalment of the ever popular all white/ivory designs as well. It's my favourite collection yet.Shop the update here. 

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


the future is now


c(o)at lady