Welcome to Connie and Luna


It’s finally time to introduce the next chapter of my creative journey, and a new name for my digital space.

Connie and Luna!


The decision to rebrand comes from already a few years of sitting on the new name and it simply feels right - for my content, and for where I want to take what I do, and what I share. I’ve been dabbling with the idea of a rebrand for so long now but every inch of me is terrified and anxious at the idea of change, but I know that when I look back at it in a few months time, this will all just be a little snippet within the journey.So Connie and Luna is the new name of my digital home going forward - and that encompasses both my blog and also my shop. Both of which I affectionately call the work of my little creative studio. I’ll still be producing the same travel and lifestyle content you love, and will continue to operate my little shop of handmade goods. But there are also lots of exciting new things happening here, that I have saved to unveil for Connie and Luna. And that, I just can’t wait to share.I’m now @connieandluna on Instagram with our shop @connieandlunastudio.

So why the name change?

It’s been a long time since I first dreamt up the name K is for Kani. I started blogging in my teens and back then, blogs weren’t anywhere as common as they were now and I felt like I needed an alias, a name that I could use to keep my real name and online identity anonymous. I’ve always been a private person online so this was really important to me. Out came Kani (it sounds like Connie) and hence K is for Kani. But it wasn’t long before things changed and I was going by my actual name online.Fast forward way too many years, I’ve grown, I’ve changed and this site and digital space has also grown and changed and evolved alongside the time that has passed. There comes a point where a name made up many years ago doesn’t feel as representative anymore and I felt like the time had come to move onto something that mirrored my more current self.

About the new name


After months of brainstorming back in late 2014, I came up with Connie and Luna.When my friends hear the name, the Connie part is obviously obvious, so they often ask me where Luna comes from.Luna to me, is not a person or my pet dog (though I would love to have a pet named Luna), but more an abstract concept. It reminds me of the moon (Luna means the moon in many different languages) and hence nature, the earth and this magnificent world each and every one of us call home. When I think of Luna, I think of the moon shining upon the universe and every person and thing within it.But to me, I always read the words as a whole. I don't individualise them or think of them separately. To me it's a brand name that feels right and works.Can you believe it though, that I've actually registered the domain connieandluna.com for more than three years now? All of this happened so long ago but it's only recently that I had the guts to finally move forward! Many changes in my personal life (Tom and I buying our home together, finally getting into the groove of running my own business, etc) inspired me to also implement the next chapter of this space. And I'm glad it's happening.I’ll always have a soft spot for that blog called K is for Kani, it grew alongside my university days and a more so it'll always be sentimental to me. But at the same time, I am excited and so ready for the future and I just can’t wait to share it with you all.Thank you all for your support and encouragement always, and for sticking by for all these years!SOME TECH NOTES: www.connieandluna.com will redirect automatically to www.connieandluna.comOur new Instagram handles are: @connieandluna / @connieandlunastudioEmail: connie@connieandluna.comI hope you also like the look of my new site!There are still a few more things to smooth out but hopefully it'll all be fixed shortly! 

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


Our new home: bedroom tour!


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