Simple & Easy Pandan Mochi Recipe

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I’m excited to share my first ever recipe post on my blog! I’ve wanted to share recipes on this site for ages but never have the time to get around to photographing and writing it all. But after receiving so many requests when I shared my pandan mochi making on Instagram the other day, I decided to finally make this happen!

This simple & easy pandan mochi recipe was created by my very talented sister Rowena, who based her recipe off my mum’s years of Chinese dessert making. It’s absolutely delicious and full of flavour and only uses a handful ingredients and is so easy to make!

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Yields around 40 mochi balls


  • 80 ml coconut cream

  • 1/2 cup pandan juice (or 1 tsp pandan essence in a bottle + 1/2 cup water)

  • 240 grams glutinous rice flour

  • 80 grams sugar

  • Dessicated coconut (for coating)


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When it comes to using pandan in this recipe, you can either use fresh pandan leaves to create your own pandan juice, or you can use store bought pandan essence which is more convenient as you don’t need to make your own juice, however it’s just pandan flavouring that is not made from real pandan.

I have found pandan leaves and pandan essence in numerous Asian grocery stories in Melbourne.

IF YOU WANT TO USE fresh pandan:

If you want to use fresh pandan, then in order to create pandan juice, follow the below steps.

  1. Wash around your pandan leaves and cut into small 2cm strips. I used around 20 leaves as that’s how many I bought in a bunch.

  2. Put these into a blender and add as less water as possible to blend the leaves.

  3. Blend. If the leaves are not blending properly, then you can add a little more water but the aim is to use as less water as possible so you can get a more concentrated flavour.

  4. Once blended, strain into a jar using a nut-milk bag or fine strainer. Compost the leaves & keep the juice!

    I made around 3/4 of a cup of pandan juice with 20 leaves, some of which I used for this recipe and the rest I will be using again soon to make more mochi balls!


  1. Mix the coconut cream, pandan essence/water (or pandan juice), glutinous rice flour and sugar in a bowl under it becomes a soft dough.

  2. Using a spoon, scoop out little chunks of the mixture and roll into a ball. Place these separated on a plate.

  3. Boil a pot of water and boil your mochi balls until they float. Once they float they’re ready!

  4. Remove mochi balls from the water and coat each one in dessicated coconut.

I hope you enjoy this recipe! We absolutely love these mochi balls and can’t wait to make some more soon :)

Pandan Mochi Recipe
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Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

Taj Mahal Travel Guide - Everything You Need to Know


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